A tip for recurring card transactions

Expired card? Avoid declined transactions by updating your card details for recurring payments.

Avoid declined transactions for recurring card payments

In November this year, an upgrade was completed to our switching services. Prior to the switch taking place, any card holder with a recurring transaction occurring on an expired card would have the transaction honored. Following this upgrade, recurring transactions using an expired card are now being declined.

What should you do?

Card holders need to update their renewed card details with merchants that are debiting their card. Alternatively, you can opt to provide your BSB and account number (not member number) for merchants to debit if you don’t want to update your recurring payments each time the card number changes.

When you receive a new card in the mail, the letter does let you know to update your details with the people who debit your card, so although the instruction is nothing new, we're reaching out to members with a friendly reminder.

Last updated: 8 December 2022

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